On the March 29th episode of 'Kang Ho Dong's Bapsim,' former racing model Ji Yeon Soo opened up about the alleged details of her marriage with former U-KISS member Eli, who's 11 years her junior.
On this day, Ji Yeon Soo also explained the details about the divorce and revealed that she and Eli decided to move to the states. She elaborated that the couple decided to move to the States with their young son since they both didn't have much work in Korea.

However, Ji Yeon Soo needed additional documentation to get her green card in the United States, so she had to come back to South Korea. Just a day after she landed in Korea, Eli called her to notify her of their divorce. She explained she had endured the marriage to protect the family for her child. Ji Yeon Soo said, "I tried to keep our marriage because our child was there in America. And I wanted to keep him as the father to our child."

Ji Yeon Soo shocked viewers further by confessing she is in financial ruin after being married. Ji Yeon Soo started the story by explaining that Eli's mother lived in Korea while Eli was promoting. When Ji Yeon Soo and Eli had gotten married, Eli's mother requested the family move into an apartment building. So Ji Yeon Soo and Eli signed a contract for an apartment in Eli's name.

However, Eli's mother soon asked Eli to change the name on the contract to her own name. Ji Yeon Soo explained, "So Eli's mother told him, 'if you change this house ownership to under my name, I'll leave your wife alone.' So Eli changed the name on the house to his mother's name, and his mother told him not to tell me. So I found out a month later that the apartment was under his mother's name."

Then Ji Yeon Soo later learned that Eli's mother had taken the deposit money for the apartment and went to America. Because Eli's mother had taken the deposit money, Ji Yeon Soo and Eli had to struggle, being unable to find a proper apartment to live in.
Ji Yeon Soo also explained that her credit score dropped tremendously because of the financial struggle the couple had experienced after that incident. She explained that she had to take the burden for most of their bills because Eli would spend money on supercars. She confessed that her family had to help her with money as well.
The former racing girl said she still has eight years and six months until she can recuperate her bad credit score. Still, Ji Yeon Soo explained living a difficult life due to bad credit is much better than being married to Eli.
If I were to get married , I would have a joint account with my partner and an account for myself.
I've seen what happens when one person relies too much on another. When things go wrong you're just stuck in a place you wish you weren't. That's how people can ruin you. You always need to have a safety net when things go south.
Have your own source of income, you never know when they just want to up and leave. I learned that the hard way when my father had a mistress or wtv you call it and a child outside of the marriage. Spent all his money on them. When my mom wanted to divorce him he made it so much harder. Lost the house and my mom ended up losing her good paying job. She ended up working 2-3 jobs. Payed off the debt he accumulated. Ling story short, always have money set aside for yourself you never know what can happen in the future.
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