Kim Seokjin (real name) of BTS is widely known for being a legendary Konkuk student (one of the most prestigious acting universities) - that might as well be the reason why he is so known among people from the acting industry. Jin has many friends that are famous Korean actors and gets mentioned by the biggest acting stars very frequently.
Another actress that is now too in the list of JIN-fans is a very well-known Korean actress Jung Yu-Mi (정유미). She has starred in many critically acclaimed movies such as "Family Ties," "The Crucible," "Chaw," and the infamous - "Train to Busan." She was also rewarded as the Best Actress at 56th Grand Bell Rewards.

On March 16, Jung Yu-Mi added an Instagram Story with an RJ - a symbolic alpaca toy that was created by Jin in 2017 - he frequently appears with it publicly.

It immediately gained the attention of numerous fans that also found another post in which the actress appears with the famous toy.

Later, fans also found a photo of her wearing the same beanie as Jin did in a recent photoshoot that went viral.

jin is very handsome ... not surprised