GOT7 is a famous Kpop group that debuted under JYPE; since the first activities, they've received so much attention globally due to their talents.
Over time, they become more popular and had some great achievements. However, they never reached their potential and were limited by their own company. Sadly, JYPE has repeatedly mistreated them.

JB, who's a great producer and songwriter, once said J.Y.Park rejected his song, and he didn't even listen to it for 5 seconds!

During one of their live broadcasts, Mark asked the staff to give him chopsticks, but they gave him a used one instead of a new one. Mark decided to eat with his hands instead.

On another live stream, the staff interrupted GOT7 only because the clothes were shown in the background, and the members couldn't even interact freely with their fans.

Lack of promotions for this huge group is another example of mistreatment. The promotions for "DYE" was about only two weeks! Promotions started on April 20 and ended on May 03. And if that wasn't bad enough, their next album "Breath of love: last piece" promotions was even shorter.
The time interval between their albums' release is too long that even Mark and Jinyoung mentioned that they were jobless for about seven months!
Once a fan wrote a letter to GOT7 saying that her colleague treats her badly and doesn't listen to her, and Jinyoung replied, "Don't you work in JYPE? Isn't the writer of this letter among us?"
These were only a few of the mistreatment against GOT7, and there were lots of times that indirectly, they expressed their dissatisfaction about their company.
We all know that GOT7 deserves more. Although they may have been mistreated, JYPE is the company that created this talented group. But the one who creates can also destroy.
What upsets Me, Is That JYPE managed them so poorly but still has the nerve to act surprised when members don't want to stay, Losing Got7 will hurt JYP a lot, They cover a variety of Markets in Asia, I would love to see Got 7 stay together but, I mostly want them to Be happy, & If They are not happy in JYP, Then I will look forward to all the things the members do whether its together or Seperate
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