Actor Park Eun Seok, who plays Logan Lee in SBS's 'Penthouse', is facing a lawsuit over defamation.
On January 29th, media outlet TenAsia reported Park Eun Seok was sued for defamation back on December 3rd of last year. According to A who sued Park Eun Seok, "Park Eun Seok spread false information regarding me in the group chat full of actors. I've been tormented because of his post, even my family was threatened. His response to recent animal hoarder allegations was so similar to his response to mine. He claimed he wasn't sued but there certainly is a filing to the court now."
It was reported Park Eun Seok shared A's name and contact to the group chat for his castmates back in July of 2017 saying they should avoid him. A introduced himself as Park Eun Seok's alum and a casting director, saying they had a dispute over a play script. A continued, "Since then I have been receiving threats for no reason and I came to realize it was Park Eun Seok who first circulated misleading information after going to the police."
A revealed he reached out to Park Eun Seok before filing a lawsuit against him for a sincere apology. "I said if he continues to refuse to apologize and deny allegation though there is solid evidence, I would have to take strict legal actions. After that, his agency contacted me to settle for 5 million won(about $4,480 USD) but he has been avoiding payment for over 5 months. I think he tried to hide the fact he was sued for 'Penthouse'"
His agency has commented, "We have confirmed the filing and we will respond via the law firm".
I'm genuinely curious, but how come it's when celebrities are gaining popularity and attention all of these accusations are made?
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