A strange interaction between WINNER member Song Min Ho and Super Junior member Kyuhyun has caught the attention of curious netizens, resulting in some big laughs!
As many of you know, Song Min Ho and Kyuhyun are very good friends as they've worked together for tvN's 'New Journey To The West' for several years now. However, one netizen asked this question in a recent online community post, accompanied by this photo below:
"Does Song Min Ho know that Kyuhyun is looking at him from the floor??"

Did you think the smiling face looking up at Song Min Ho(?) in his album jacket photo looks like Kyuhyun?

How about if you look a little closer?

Here's a smiling photo of the real Kyuhyun:

LOL-ing, netizens responded with memes like:

Others also added on comments like:
"Wow Kyuhyun is such a good friend, even making an appearance in Min Ho's solo album kekekeke."
"The shape of the mouth is the same kekekeke."
"OMG why does it look so much like Kyuhyun for some reason kekekeke."
"Min Ho does know that Kyuhyun is in his album kekekeke. A fan pointed it out in a 'V Live' once and he laughed kekekeke."
"I can't decide if Kyuhyun is the one who looks like that foreign person or if that foreign person is the one who looks like Kyuhyun..."
"Wait it's not Kyuhyun...???"
"Are we sure that's not the real Kyuhyun?? Kekekeke."
I can't believe someone wrote an article about this.
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