An ice cream lover's dream has come true at WM Entertainment!
A few days ago, Oh My Girl's Mimi excited took to her personal SNS to show off a commercial-sized gift she recently received from the Korean ice cream company, 'Binggrae'!
Mimi wrote, "When I went to the company, this sweet super fridge was just chillin'! Just looking at it makes me full, I'm smiling uncontrollably, 'Binggrae'~ Thank you (heart). So tasty."

You may be wondering just how Oh My Girl's Mimi managed to attract such a sweet suitor like 'Binggrae'.
Unless you're a devoted Miracle, in which case you of course know that Mimi is literally the ice cream girl of K-Pop!
In fact, fans say that most of Mimi's personal YouTube content consists of her just eating ice cream:

Mimi's ice cream vlogs have become so famous, that 'Binggrae' not only started taking notice, but began courting her openly with comments like: "Mimi-nim, why didn't you eat the choco 'Supercone'..? TT. We want to send you a bunch of 'Supercones' and meet up some time.. for business purposes (heart)."

Most recently, 'Binggrae' commented below one of Mimi's videos that they wished to send her a cooler filled with ice cream, and now the company has definitely made it happen!
Seeing Mimi's excited Instagram post, fellow Oh My Girl members like Arin and Hyojung commented, "Wow, assa, thank you for the ice cream Mimi-ssi" and "Respect for Mim-PD~".
Her mukbang is so relaxing to watch - I unwind at night just watching her eat in silence - I'm so happy she's getting love calls LOLOLOL