K-Pop artists would not be able to be who they are without their counterparts - their fandom. Each idol group has a fandom that is given a specific name and is always mentioned along with the idol group.
BTS has the ARMY, as to BLACKPINK has the BLINKS. Almost all idol groups, if not all, have a name for their fandom. Recently, fans have gathered in an online community to discuss the best fandom names that are out there.
So here are the fandom names that netizens picked as the best.

Many netizens picked ARMY as one of the best fandom names. With the acronym meaning "Adorable Representative MC for Youth," ARMY was picked to best suit the group since BTS's Korean name, Bang Tan So Nyeon Dan, means 'Bulletproof Boy Scouts.'

BLINK came from the meaning that the fans will be with BLACKPINK from the beginning to the end, taking the beginning part and the end part of the group's name.
GOT7's IGOT7 (Agase)

GOT7's fandom is officially known as IGOT7, but the group and their fans have them calling them agase, which means baby bird in Korean. Because of this, GOT7's lightstick is also in the shape of a baby bird. Many netizens picked this fandom name for being cute.
GFriend's Buddy

GFriend named their fandom Buddy, which is another word for friend. Many netizens picked GFriend's fandom name to best suit the group since it fits well with the girl group's name.

Netizens picked TXT's MOA as one of the cutest sounding names. With the acronym meaning "Moments Of Alwaysness," MOA can also mean 'to gather' in Korean. The group gave the name MOA to their fans in hopes that they can gather each other's dreams to complete one dream.
Seventeen's Carat

Seventeen's fandom name is carat since the idol group is the diamond. The carat usually indicates the weight and size of how brilliant a diamond is, therefore, the boy group is defined by their fans.
BTOB's Melody

BTOB stands for 'Born To Beat,' and a song is complete only when it has a beat and a melody. Hence, the boy group gave the name Melody to their fans, meaning that their fans complete them. Many Korean netizens loved the meaning of the fandom name and the ring it has to the word.

Many might think the name LOVE might be cliche for an idol fandom name. However, many netizens picked NU'EST's fandom name because of how L.O.Λ. E was created. NU'EST written in Korean is 뉴이스트, and the top characters (ㄴㅇㅅㅌ) look like the English characters for LOVE with the V upside down. Many Korean netizens thought it was clever and new, hence picking the name.

This last group's fandom name is no longer used, but a handful of netizens picked the group B2ST to have a fitting fandom name B2UTY because the idol group name and the fandom name would come together to mean 'Beauty and the Beast.' Although the name is no longer used, many netizens believe that the fandom name is the prettiest and best name for an idol fandom.
Honorable Mention TVXQ's Cassiopeia

They're an older generation group and didn't receive many votes but the older generation K-pop fans love the fandom name Cassiopeia, a constellation in the northern sky, named after the vain queen Cassiopeia in Greek mythology, and is said to have an unrivaled beauty.
GFRIEND’s fandom name has always made me laugh. For a group whose name means “girlfriend”, I feel like them naming the male (and female) fans as “buddy” pushed us immediately into the friend zone 😂
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