Cube Entertainment confirmed comedian Lee Hwi Jae tested negative for COVID-19.
On December 4th KST, the agency released an official statement regarding Lee Hwi Jae's test results. The announcement came after it was revealed trot singer Lee Chan Won is a confirmed COVID-19 case. All staff and celebrities who recorded an episode of TV Chosun's 'Bbong School' on December 1st underwent precautionary testing. Below is the full official statement from Cube Entertainment.
"Hello. This is Cube Entertainment.
On December 1st, after one of TV Chosun's 'Bbong School' guests tested positive for COVID-19, Lee Hwi Jae and all staff and employees who potentially had contact with the confirmed case underwent COVID19 testing.
Although Lee Hwi Jae and all staff members have tested negative, Lee Hwi Jae will go into a period of self-quarantine for 14-days as a close contact for COVID-19.
The company will do our best to care for the safety and health of our artists, following the government's COVID-19 prevention guidelines strictly."
good to hear. :]