The staff of Billboard revealed their 25 best music videos of 2020 and BLACKPINK was the only K-pop artist on the list.
BLACKPINK's “How You Like That” (Dance Performance) was selected as the 20th Best Music Video of the year.
Billboard wrote, "K-pop labels have budgets akin to a small nation's GDP, but strip away the bells and whistles and capybaras of Blackpink's usual event-level videos and you'll still find something endlessly watchable (and meme-able): four pros who treat every single second as a battle for your attention, with enough body rolls and synchronized hair flips to qualify for an Olympic sport. -- NOLAN FEENEY"
I agree this dance performance was very good! It hook you till first second, with the pink light and those black outfits, you get the point that this is BLACKPINK.