Shortly after FNC Entertainment officially announced AOA member Yuna's departure from the agency on January 1, the idol shared a handwritten letter dedicated to her fans via her Instagram.
Yuna said:
"Hello, this is Yuna. I am writing because I felt that I had to leave something in person to the fans who were undoubtedly shocked by the recent news.
As of today, I have decided to end my contract with FNC Entertainment, where I've been for the past 10 years.
I have so much I want to say, and I miss you all so much.... I don't know where to start. Just, thank you so much.
My twenties were full of happiness thanks to so many of you who loved me. I received so much more love than I thought I was capable of, that at times, I wondered if it was right.
I just wanted to sing on stage so I did my best whatever the task given, and thanks to the fans who told me that I was pretty and amazing whatever I did, I was able to run straight on without stopping, no matter how tired or worn I felt.
From here on, I plan on going a little slower with a little more leisure. I want to try things I've wanted to try, and I want to take some time for myself.
To our fans who made for us so many precious, unforgettable memories I wouldn't trade for the world, thank you. I will become a Yuna who grows more each day.
I hope that your new year is full of more happiness. Please always be healthy, and I wish you many blessings in the new year!"
Wish you all the best girl....thanks for your unbelievably hard work in perfecting and performing first rate entertainment! I will continue to listen to AOA....and support you however I can....because AOA was and is First Rate ENTERTAINMENT!
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