Wonder Girls' Yubin promised to treat all the pets on the '2020 Idol Woof Woof Championship' if she and her beloved pup Kongbin win.
On the October 2nd Chuseok special '2020 Idol Woof Woof Championship', Yubin introduced her dog Kongbin, saying, "He's a celebrity dog who loves attention."
The rrr Entertainment CEO then promised, "In the case that I win, I'll use my business card to buy all the appearing dogs with treats."
How you do think Yubin and Kongbin will do?
Posted by Friday, October 2, 2020
Wonder Girls' Yubin promises to treat all pets on '2020 Idol Woof Woof Championship' if she and Kongbin win
92% Upvoted
Aw, it's mame shiba inu ))