Dispatch has obtained CCTV footage showing that a thief broke into Hara's house.
After the KARA member passed away, her family and friends had the 49 days of mourning which ended up January 11th. On January 13th, her brother Koo Ho In, who had been staying at Hara's place to mourn and wrap things up, packed everything up and went back home. Exactly that night, at 00:15 AM KST on January 14th, a man who has yet to be identified jumped Hara's fence. Dispatch reported that it was unclear if there was only one or if there were two perpetrators. A CCTV interpreter stated that it looked like one person.
The man (or men) stole Hara's personal safe. Hara's hoobae, who used to live with Hara, told Dispatch, "We found out that the safe was stolen back in April. I went with Ho-In oppa to look at the CCTV. We even saw the thief cover the lens with a leaf. It looked like they were trying to cover their identity." The hoobae also said that they changed the password after Hara passed away and said, "Only Ho-In oppa and I knew the changed password. It looks to me [from the CCTV footage] that they pressed the previous password because the number was 2**2."'
According to the CCTV, the thief entered the house through the second floor balcony, and then went straight from the balcony to the clothing room. The man knew exactly where the safe was. Ho-In said, "He knew the layout of the house well. There's no way someone who was there for the first time would know the house that well. He even knew that we don't really lock the balcony door." Hara's hoobae said, "We usually don't lock the clothing room door, since we go back and forth inside it. We also usually turn off the security system. The person knew of our habits."
You can check out the CCTV footage below. Dispatch is currently taking all tips on the thief.
This is, very, very suspicious; it points at the fact that the person behind this could have been an acquaintance, but not very close. Hara's family need to be more cautious about her belongings, as her mother had already filed a legal case for possession of Hara's property.
Also, why is this news announced so late? The robbery happened in April and it's October now.