On September 18, Super Junior's Heechul uploaded a video of him flexing on his YouTube Channel.
In the episode of Heechul's 'Schedule Log', Heechul revealed that he was on his way to keep his promise that he made during the Galaxy fan meeting - to buy new Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra phones for his staff members.

He started the video in the car stating, "Remember the promise I made at the Galaxy fan meeting? I'm on my way to get new phones for my 'Kims' (Heechul's staff team)". The staff members traveling with him seemed excited as they call clapped.
Heechul showed that he is really going to pay for the phones with his personal money and showed his personal phone that will be used for mobile payment. When they went into the store, they took proper quarantine measures as they took their temperatures and cleaned their hands with sanitizers.

After looking around the store, Heechul went towards the smartphone booth. The employee there explained that it would be more expensive just to buy the phones outright without opening new accounts. Heechul immediately responded, "It doesn't matter about the price since I'm buying them as gifts."

After picking the phones for his staff, he continued to go look at other products. Then finally, he purchased the 3 phones for a total of 3,956,700 KRW (~3,397 USD). He even showed his viewers proof of the purchase through the text message confirming the transaction.

Well damn i wish i was a staff member...that's a pretty nice phone. Good for him to keep a promise and be so humble about it :D