The recent MBC documentary series 'DocuPlex' has caused a lot of commotion in the entertainment industry as well as the online community.
The episode titled 'Why did Sulli Bother You?' aired on September 10 KST and there has been a lot backlash on rapper Choiza since the documentary aired.
In the episode, Sulli's mother appeared and explained that their family was happy before Sulli began to date Choiza. She revealed she was against Sulli dating Choiza because she had felt everything about her daughter changed after. After Sulli began dating, she declared financial independence from her mother and that is when the two became estranged. Right after the interview with Sulli's mother, the next interview on the documentary was with Sulli when she was still alive.
The interview was from another series on Sulli and she stated, "I completely broke down after being hurt from people. There were times when those close to me and those around me left. I think they were quick to protect themselves. I did reach my hands out for help but then no one held my hand. That's when I broke down since I have no one to talk to."

Many netizens stated that the documentary made it seem like Sulli had a breakdown due to Choiza. After the documentary aired, a great number of netizens went to Choiza's social media account to leave malicious comments. Numerous netizens commented on Choiza's social media stating, "Choiza should feel morally responsible", "It's unfortunate. She would still be alive if they didn't date", and "Choiza shouldn't come on TV if he has a conscience".
However, there were other netizens who criticized the malicious commenters stating, "Don't curse at Choiza. It's not his fault", "You guys are terrorizing his account and should be ashamed", and "You people have no conscience."
Choiza's fellow Dynamic Duo member Gaeko expressed his anger and disappointment through his social media on September 11 KST. He posted a screen capture of articles that stated the documentary had the best viewer ratings ever and stated in the caption, "I am disappointed and angry if the production team intended this for the best viewer rating."

Producer Lee Mo Hyun who produced 'Why Did Sulli Bother You?' stated "I thought 'I want to know more about Sulli, I wanted to bring anything we didn't know before into light'. I felt apologetic as a person who is part of the media."
In response to Choiza receiving backlash, producer Lee stated, "That's something I worried the most and was cautious about when making the documentary. No one is at fault if two lovers separate. That's not what I intended. I believe Choiza is a victim too."
"Sulli didn't become estranged with her mother because of Choiza, it's because she wanted to be financially independent."
"So everyone is saying that MBC used Sulli to create an issue and Choiza is the scapegoat? Doesn't matter about the production intention. The best is we stop talking about this. That's a way to help with the situation."
"Why is MBC bringing up Sulli again? they're the worst in this case."
"I watched the documentary but they made it like it was Choiza's fault."
"Choiza did have some fault. He made that song 'Eat Pray Love' while dating a girl almost 20 years younger than him and made Sulli's image look bad."
"It's the mother's fault. She wasn't there for her daughter now she wants to blame Choiza."
"Sulli liked Choiza probably because he was comforting like a father since she didn't have a father figure. They dated each other because they liked each other when they were together. They were happy. So leave it at that."
"You malicious commenters are the ones who made Sulli die. Don't you know that?"
"Choiza made that song while dating Sulli. That's very inconsiderate of him."
MBC should have never allowed this documentary to ever see the light of day. There was no need for this crap period and that's all it is is crap. This is another case of a celebrity parent out there trying to blame everyone else for what happened and to continue to make money off their dead celebrity child. I will never watch that documentary. I will never watch the documentary about Michael jackson. I will never watch a documentary about HARA. It's just a bunch of crap that stirs people up and victimizes more people.
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