“Male Host - It is said to be a boy band. Now, is that a boy band?
Female Host - Well, it should all be boys in a boy band (Laughs sarcastically as to imply that BTS are not Boys)"
“No matter which person comes whether it is BTS or anyone for us the biggest group will be *Sri Lankan Music Group*.”
ARMY around the world are angered after learning of Xenophobic and racist Radio show hosts in Sri Lanka.
As reported by the Sri Lankan ARMY Fan base, they have had to face so much hate for loving BTS. Some people residing in Sri Lanka have made sure to isolate the BTS ARMY by calling their favorite KPOP idols Homosexual and Transgender. People have even gone to point out that Sri Lankan ARMY love BTS only because of how feminine they look and thus have edited almost thousands of pictures and videos to show the femininity of BTS and to mock and laugh at them in a disgusting manner.
As we all know there is a silver lining for everything, and just like BTS’s newest Song that broke all records, Sri Lankan ARMY’s got hit by xenophobic dynamite that broke their patience this week on the 25th of August 2020. Just after days of BTS's "DYNAMITE" was released it was trending in more than 80 countries including Sri Lanka. With the small Fan base available in Sri Lanka, they worked as hard as they could to get it to #1 Trending but all their effort was washed away due to some comments of a famous radio show played in a radio channel named “H**u FM”. The Two talk show hosts not only insulted BTS but also laughed at them mockingly. This was done in the show “** – FM 96.7.”
You can watch the entire video down below or just start at the 1-minute mark. This is just one of the many posts on Facebook and videos on YouTube which are targeted towards BTS.
Below is the translated dialogues between the Male Host (Mr.S) and The Female Host (Ms. T)
Mr. S – “Beng Ten or Bangtan”
Ms. T – “yes”
S – “these Boys… this is a BOY band… ok now, is that a BOY band? (Asking Sarcastically)”
T – “well, It only has all BOYS"
(And then they both (female starts to laugh) laugh in a very degrading way trying to tell that BTS doesn't look like boys.)
T – “why..?”
S – “why are you laughing duh?”
T – “You laughed in such a way while looking at me that I felt kind of oddness in it.”
S – “I don’t get how these parents have brought up these kids! as soon as you say BOYS they start laughing”
T – “We are shy when it comes to BOYS you know”
S - "Oh really so it must be itchy for you when you hear about BOYS yeah?"
S – “well, A South Korean Boy band, not that long ago and on the 21st August, for now, 3 days, right? Correct?”
T - "Today is the 25th"
S – “Is it not 3? Am I wrong? (He stays to wait and ends up counting how many days) alright, so it's 4 days. So they released this video to YouTube on the 21st of August, and within 24 hours, almost 101.1M people have watched it. When I checked it today morning it had 170M something now it has 191M sort of views.”
T - (She just makes odd noises to show that it is surprising)
S – “Now The thing is the video is also Trending number one in Our Country. And they are called BTS” (For the readers to remember please do listen to the recording definitely as you can hear how disgusted he is about a foreign video being trended on the number 1 spot in Sri Lanka. He sounds like he wants to be so done with the entire show) “We have a lot of Associate channels / Stations and I asked around and they also told me that the fans request these BTS songs at least 30 times a day.”
T – "yes" ( and She is laughing in the fakest way possible and saying Yeah)
S – “So just look will you, when something comes from somewhere else that is the biggest thing for our people” (Sarcastic and rude in a way that they wanna say that when some shit comes from somewhere, people act as if that is the biggest thing ever)
T – “(laughs agreeing) Ah ah ah ah”
S – “Now this is also like this, where some things are there that happens on its own/out of luck” (Which they try to mean as BTS didn’t work hard but they just got all of these suddenly and out of luck) “some people get chances out of the blue which makes them to extremely higher positions ( the female host agrees saying "exactly right") and then you know that success can end right on that spot and place too. Now just see, a band that we never even saw or at least have heard has done all these big things on youtube” (Please understand that he is not happy about this. He is making fun of them as if it cannot be believed that someone they didn't even know and never heard accomplished all of this)
T - “Dynamite”
S – “Dynamite is the song … now you will go and see it right”
T – “so why (Laughs) Good nah”
S – “Good Promotion for them”
T – “Must go and see the boys! How many BOYS?”
S – “Now there are 7 of them! 7 BOYS ok. Now there are so many stories being shared about them accomplishing these heights on Facebook. A nice song it seems. If you go and listen only you will Understand.”
T – “Yeah you will understand” (Laughs Sarcastically coz they think that the song is in Korean and that you will understand that they wear makeup and looks all like girls once u watch it)
S – “we don't care no matter what person comes or whatever whether it is this BTS or anyone else coz for us the world's number one group will always be **S( a Sri Lankan group).”
Also below are the links to the host's FB pages:-
https://www.facebook.com/sunoj... (link of the male host)
https://www.facebook.com/tharu... (link of the female host)
Sri Lankan ARMY can only wish that these haters would stop bullying them for no proper reason.
I can only wish they had listened to Suga’s “What Do You Think” because he clearly said “The bastards who benefited from media appear on TV more than I do…….. I hope all those bastards who tried to get a free ride by selling our names shut their mouths up.”
Lol they jealous
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