
Sam Okyere posts an apology for thoughtlessly posting the photos of the controversial Uijeongbu High School Students

Posted by haydn-an Friday, August 7, 2020

Sam Okyere recently apologized for posting the photos of the high school students on his Instagram as many netizens continue to criticize him for his careless actions.

On August 7th KST, Sam Okyere posted an apology on his Instagram account stating, "I'm sorry I created more controversy and criticisms through the photos and words I have posted."

He stated, "I didn't mean to degrade the students in any way. I only wanted to express myself and I crossed the line in the process. I apologize for posting the students' photos without their permission. I respect the student's privacy and I was at fault in that part."

He also explained about the English part of the post. Sam Okyere stated, "I didn't criticize the Korean education system in the part that was written in English. I think there have been some misunderstandings during the interpretation of my words. I apologize. I didn't mention anything about Korean education but I understand why people could have misunderstood. Also, I did not know that the word 'Teakpop' was a negative slang for 'Kpop'. If I knew, then I would not have used the hashtag. I was being too simple-minded."

He continued to state, "I stayed in Korea for a long time and received love from so many people. However, I was being too careless and thoughtless during this incident. I once again apologize. I will become better and more knowledgeable in the future."

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제가 올린 사진과 글 때문에 물의를 일으키게 된 점 죄송합니다. 학생들을 비하하는 의도가 전혀 아니었습니다. 제 의견을 표현하려고 했는데 선을 넘었고 학생들의 허락 없이 사진을 올려서 죄송합니다. 저는 학생들의 프라이버시를 존중합니다. 그 부분에서 잘 못했습니다. 그리고 영어로 쓴 부분이, 한국의 교육이 잘못되었다는것이 절대 아닙니다. 해석하는 부분에 오해가 있어 죄송하다는 말씀을 드립니다. 한국의 교육을 언급한 것이 아니었는데 충분히 오해가 생길 만한 글이었습니다. Teakpop 차체가 한국Kpop 대해서 안좋은 얘기를 하는 줄 몰랐습니다. 알았으면 이 해시택을 전혀 쓰지 않았을 겁니다. 너무 단순하게 생각을 했습니다. 제가 한국에서 오랫동안 사랑을 많이 받았었는데 이번일들로 인해서 좀 경솔했던 것 같습니다. 다시 한번 죄송하다는 말씀드리고 싶습니다. 앞으로 더 배운 샘 오취리가 되겠습니다.

A post shared by 샘 오취리 Sam Okyere (@samokyere1) on

Previously, Sam Okyere had posted the graduation photos of the students and criticized them for using blackface to parody the Ghana Dancing Pallbearers as he expressed his deep disappointment. Sam Okyere has taken down this post since the controversy increased and many criticized him for revealing the students' faces on his Instagram with thousands of followers.

Since then, he had been under fire for his previous actions that netizens found it as racist against Asians. Sam Okyere's actions of slitting his eyes to make a funny face back in 2015 have been revisited by many netizens after this controversy started.

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121 35,571 Share 79% Upvoted
bride-of-chani150 pts Friday, August 7, 2020 36
Friday, August 7, 2020

they basically attacked him and made him apologize because they view him as an outsider and i hate to say it but korean people hate black people. no matter how much they lie and say they dont i know they do

he did nothing wrong.

26 (+39 / -13)

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taeswife061313,122 pts Friday, August 7, 2020 17
Friday, August 7, 2020

He is entitled to express his own opinion and the thing that the students did was truly a horrible and despicable act. I just feel like people criticized him when he was right about his anger, his anger was "righteous anger." Maybe he did cross a line, but don't we all when we feel incredibly hurt?! Where are the students?! Why aren't they apologizing?! Wasn't it them that started this whole thing?!

22 (+30 / -8)

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