Previously, It was reported that Park Bo Gum was enlisting quietly in the Navy on August 31st.
However, he was seen by reporters, and photos of Park Bo Gum with short hair were released on the same day. On August 31st, Park Bo Gum joined the Navy Education Command in Jinhae, Changwon, South Gyeongsang Province. Just as announced, Park Bo Gum entered the education command quietly as he wore a black jacket and black sneakers with a black cap. Many, including the new recruits, did not recognize Park Bo Gum because of his cap and mask.

What also was eye-catching was his short hair that was visible under his black hat. He entered the training command at 2 PM on this day. Just as requested, there weren't many fans that have gathered at the site and there wasn't any commotion.
The trainees would be tested for the COVID19 virus before entering into the training command and the results of the virus testing will be released on September 1st KST.
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