
Former ILUV member Shin Minah responds to WKS ENE denying her bullying claims

Posted by Germaine-Jay Friday, August 14, 2020

Former ILUV member Shin Minah has responded to WKS ENE's denial of her bullying claims.

After former AOA member Mina came forward saying she was bullied by Jimin for years, Shin Minah also revealed her own story as an alleged bullying victim, which ILUV's label WKS ENE denied was true. On August 14, Shin Minah posted the following on Instagram - 

"Hello. A lot of people wished me a happy birthday on August 12, but I was in the hospital for treatment. I was only able to check those messages now. Thank you to everyone who sent me their well-wishes. I spent my birthday in the hospital this year, but I was happy because I was able to meet some good friends, ladies, nurses, and doctors.

I'm not well-known, and in a difficult situation, the only way I was able to let people know about my current state is through social media so I've shared posts with the last of the strength I have. There are people who say that these are lies, who attack me by calling me an attention-seeker. Is there a person who would lie to the extent that they would try to kill themselves?

The agency called me a liar, but there is no lie in the fact that I've developed trauma, insomnia, panic disorder, and depression from the members and from the agency. There are those who are asking me for proof. The reason I haven't revealed it was because it was my last sign of consideration for the members. I was afraid they'd make a bad choice [to hurt themselves] if I reveal this, so I took that into consideration. All I wanted was a sincere apology, but it seems I don't need to be considerate anymore.

I'll discuss the issue with my lawyer.

The group I was a part of was only friendly in front of cameras. I used the last of my strength to keep up a cheerful image even while suffering from assault, sexual harassment, sexual assault, verbal assault, random inspections of my phone, and being bullied. The videos the agency released were for their vlogs, and they weren't voluntary. Everyone in the video was acting, and we were not close in real life at all.

I asked the CEO for help with the members several times, but he ignored me. I thought about this while I was in the hospital for treatment. If the perpetrators are acting so boldly, then there's no reason for me as the victim to hide. I will soon update you on what I'm doing through YouTube content I filmed earlier.

I'll say it once again, but I didn't lie. I'm sure the members and agency staff who read this have no intention to apologize, but the truth will come out. I will absolutely not accept fake apologies. Live in your blood, sweat, and tears. I will make you pay the price for making me sick and making my family suffer. I hope this world that makes victims have to hide while attackers live in honor will disappear forever."

In other news, BOTOPASS (formerly known as ILUV) have delayed their debut.

What are your thoughts on Shin Minah's post?

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안녕하세요 8.12 제 생일날 많은 분들께서 축하해주셨는데 제가 입원 치료를 받고 있어서 이제야 확인을 했습니다 축하해주신 분들 모두 정말 정말 감사합니다 이번에는 병원에서 생일을 보냈는데 병원에서 너무 좋은 동생들 언니들 여사님들 간호사분들 의사 선생님분들을 만나 행복했습니다 저는 무명이라서 힘든 상황에서도 제가 저의 상황,상태를 알릴 수 있는 방법은 sns밖에 없어서 죽을 힘을 다해 항상 글을 올렸습니다 거짓말이라고 관종이라고 뜰려고 하는 발악이라고 하시는 분들이 계시는데요..자살 시도하면서까지 이런 거짓말을 하는 사람이 있을까요..? 회사측에서는 저를 허언증이라고 하던데 저는 멤버들과 회사로 인해 우울증,공황장애,불면증,트라우마가 생겼지 허언증은 없습니다 대표님 제발 이제 허위 사실 유포하지 마세요 증거를 공개해달라고 하시는 분들이 계시는데요 제가 공개하지 않은 이유는 멤버들에 대한 마지막 배려였습니다 공개했을때 멤버들이 저처럼 안좋은 선택을 하게 될까봐 제가 할 수 있는 마지막 배려를 했었습니다 저는 오로지 진실된 사과만을 바랬지만 이제는 배려 하지 않아도 될거같네요 이 부분에 대해서는 변호사님과 이야기를 나눠보겠습니다 제가 속해 있던 그 그룹은 카메라 앞에서만 친한 그룹입니다 저는 항상 밝은 모습을 유지하기 위해 정말 죽을 힘을 다했고 뒤에서는 폭행,성희롱,성추행,욕설,휴대폰 검사,왕따를 당해왔습니다 회사측에서 공개한 영상들은 다 브이로그 촬영이였으며 자발적으로 찍은 영상이 아닙니다 그렇기 때문에 다들 연기를 하고 있는 영상이고 실제로는 절대 친하지 않았습니다 저는 대표님께 멤버들로 인해 힘들다고 수차례 도움을 청했지만 그 분께서는 무시하셨습니다 병원에서 치료받으며 생각했습니다 가해자들도 버젓이 활동을 하는데 피해자인 제가 숨을 이유는 없다고 생각합니다 곧 예전에 촬영해둔 유튜브 편집도 하면서 제 근황을 올리겠습니다 다시 한번 말씀드리지만 저는 거짓말을 하지 않았습니다 이 글을 보고 있을 멤버들,회사 관계자분들 사과 할 마음 없으셨겠지만 사실이 밝혀지고 하는 거짓 사과는 절대 안받겠습니다 피눈물 흘리며 사세요 저를 병들게 하고 우리 가족을 힘들게 한 죄값 치르게 해드릴게요 피해자들이 숨고 가해자들이 떳떳하게 사는 이 구조가 영원히 사라졌으면 좋겠습니다

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  2. ILUV
  3. MINAH
  5. WKS ENE
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pink_oracle27,112 pts Friday, August 14, 2020 1
Friday, August 14, 2020

even while suffering from assault, sexual harassment, sexual assault, verbal assault, random inspections of my phone, and being bullied.

Wow, she's going for the kill now. I just hope she is actually strong enough for this, it seems like she really needs to take a break for her own mental health.

4 (+4 / -0)

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eager_beaver6,676 pts Friday, August 14, 2020 1
Friday, August 14, 2020

An unusually clear explanation from an (perhaps ex-) idol. Usually their messages are confusing, vague, rambling streams of words, as if they have trouble collecting their thoughts for long enough to express a concise, well-thought-of message that takes into account how the readers will interpret it.

1 (+1 / -0)

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