About a week ago, actress Han Ye Seul uploaded a YouTube video titled 'Love or Hate: Balance Game' where she would answer 'Would you rather...' questions. She answered many questions where she had to choose between two fairly difficult choices.
The questions consisted of choices between 'Would you rather lose one Airpod or have the screen on your iPhone be broken?', 'Would you rather be able to teleport without clothes or have just invisible hands as a superpower?', and 'Would you rather go on a 5 day trip with a funny friend but with a bad character or a boring friend but who is nice?'
One question that caught the interest of netizens was 'If you become a TV personality (celebrity), would you rather be very popular with no money or have tons of money with no popularity?'. One Netizen posted this question on an online community and other netizens gave their answer to this question.
Almost all the netizens chose to have a lot of money but no popularity. One netizen posted on the comment a screen capture from the show 'Radio Star' when an actor said "I want a lot of money but no one to know who I am" saying "that is the wise quote in life".

Another netizen posted a photo of Taecyeon saying "Money doesn't equal happiness but it is difficult to be happy without money."

Netizens commented:
"Why would I want to be famous but no money? You'll just get criticized for everything you do. I will go with choice #2."
"I would rather make more money and live a quiet life. choice 2 hands down."
"If you have a lot of money, it's game over. definitely choice 2."
"Definitely choice 2. You become a celebrity to earn money no?"
"If you become popular, that means you get a lot of anti-fans too."
"Number 2 of course."
"Number 2. if you become a popular celebrity, life's going to get tiring. people will come to devour you on social media if you say something wrong."
"Money is the best."
"Choice 1 is too sad. I mean you're popular but imagine you don't get anything else from it."
"Being popular means less freedom. So less freedom and less money versus more freedom but more money? definitely the latter."
"Why ask? definitely number 2."
Tell us what your choice would be in the comment section below!
It's kinda funny how so many entertainers work so hard to become famous and then wear disguises so no one will recognize them. Anyway, I choose less fame and more money.