Actress Kim Seo Hyung has requested the termination of her exclusive contract with her agency, MADI Pictures. And the MADI Pictures' CEO, Jeon Sung Hee, has revealed that Kim Seo Hyung has been abusing her powers causing a commotion.
According to reports, Kim Seo Hyung has cursed at the CEO for suggesting her to film an advertisement that she did not like.
CEO Jeon Sung Hee has revealed that she had to endure abusive language while working with Kim Seo Hyun. CEO Jeon claimed that "I had to listen to all sorts of curses and slander." The CEO continued to say that "when we would work hard to increase the contract payment for an advertisement, she would say how much money are you back pocketing" and expressed her disappointment.
The CEO also said "I once proposed an advertisement for public services that's related to cyber sexual crimes. We tried to convince Kim Seo Hyung since the content was good and the purpose of the advertisement was good. However, Ms. Kim Seo Hyung messaged me saying 'How dare you bring a public service advertisement to my face' as she cursed at me."
CEO Jeon claimed that she did her best to adjust the terms of the contract so it would be more favorable to Kim Seo Hyung since she had an exclusive contract with the agency. CEO Jeon claimed that they split all the profits from broadcast shows 70% (to Kim Seo Hyung) to 30% (to the agency) and all other profits they split 80% (to Kim Seo Hyung) to 20% (to the agency). CEO Jeon Sung Hee claimed that the agency had a lot of financial losses while working with Kim Seo Hyun. The CEO claims that they cannot even hire a lawyer at this point due to financial circumstances. The CEO claimed, "Actor Kim Seo Hyung already know our agency can't fight back legally."
Meanwhile, Kim Seo Hyung requested the termination of the contract with MADI Pictures back in October of last year and filed an injunction with the court to suspend the validity of the contract.
In regards to this issue, Kim Seo Hyung claimed that "I am not terminating the contract because of the dispute between the manager. The manager spoke words that depreciated the trust between us. When a third person spoke with the agency, the agency promised the termination of the contract since the manager had no excuse for his actions." Kim Seo Hyung is claiming a completely opposite argument to this incident which differs from the claims of CEO Jeon Sung Hee.
see this is the kind of sensationalist bullsh*t that outlets like this employ to draw in readers. first off, there are so many things that are horrendously wrong in this article. for one thing, the translation is atrocious and grossly inaccurate. this was clearly written (read: translated) to malign the actor. see the headline: the usage of the word revealed immediately assigns blame to the other party. meanwhile, the word claimed was used in the paragraphs linked to the actors statements, further insinuating guilt on the actor. there are details to this that are highly off the mark (i.e. the contract issue happened in 2020, not october 2019). this article, in many respects, fails both fact-checking and objectivity.
good people, save the judging for the judge. malicious comments could cost lives, as if we havent seen it numerous times already. if you cant already see that kim seo hyung has, in a matter of hours, been dragged through mud by this agency using the media, at least afford her respect and privacy as a human being. heaven knows it is clear that this manager is employing character assassination to get away from something. dont bite onto the bait.
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