Announcer Do Kyung Hwan, who is also the husband to Trot singer, Jang Yoon Jung, has apologized for not wearing a seat belt on a recent episode of 'The Return of Superman."
On the 28th of June, announcer Do Kyung Hwan appeared on an episode taking a drivers' license exam to drive a larger vehicle in order to drive a camping car. During this process, he was seen taking the driver's test without wearing a seatbelt. Many netizens have criticized him for his actions when they saw the episode.
Pertaining to this matter, the production team of KBS' 'The Return of Superman' has posted an apology on their official web page stating, "Announcer Do Kyung Hwan was seen taking the driver's exam without a seat belt on. He wants to say his sincere apology for this matter and will take special precautions while driving."
They have also stated that "After checking with the police department, we have confirmed that wearing a seatbelt is not required for the qualification for the driver's exam for special towing since this exam is for those who have already passed the standard driver's exam. We will be more careful in broadcasting in the future as we take in these criticisms."
not required? i've never heard that it was ok to operate a vehicle without a license. if thats the case they should put up a notice next time
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