He ran up to a fan who was crying and consoled her, giving her his umbrella and got soaked in the rain

1. [+467 ,-28]
If I were B.I I would've probably had 50,000 thoughts while going home after this. Even though 1 year has passed, there is still fans who would support him and who would cry at the look of him... It means that there's somewhere for him to go back to... I don't know if this was all sudden but I really feel grateful towards the fan
2. [+368, -33]
Ah seriously why did he do drugs...... I'm not a fan but this touched me... Even though he made a mistake, he really feels genuine towards his fans
3. [+273, -47]
I've been a fan of B.I for 7 years, he bought drugs in 2016 and he has been reflecting a lot ever since then and you could see it in his eyes. During 2013-2016 he looked so ardent towards success? And his eyes just seemed so toxic, but after some time, he just started becoming so calm and he just wanted to live life following the flow. He also randomly started apologizing a lot to the fans.. So the fans started saying things like "Hanbin's personality sure got a lot softer" more and more and everyone just rapidly got used to it. But when looking back at it, I can't help but wonder if this was the result of him reflecting. After that incident, rather than a fan-singer relationship, it really felt like he was just a friend and it became so comfortable. We were keeping our limits but we were also supported each other, and we comforted each other, gave each other advice... To be honest, iKON aren't idols who communicate a lot with the fans, but B.I said "So you're paying money like this? That's such a waste of money, you shouldn't~" and he would go on walks or restaurants alone and open his channel+ before that every time to talk with the fans. So even if B.I has made a mistake that might's disappointed the members and the fans, I am still willing to support him
>[+56] Looking at his radio show, variety shows in 2017-2018, you can see he mentioned how he lived strongly that he's broke himself so he just wanted to live like how it should go. You can feel that he's gotten softer .
>[+56] 2013...Come to think aboutit has very young when he was holding a big responsibility being a leader in a survivor show. He's barely 25 year old this year.
>[+53] There must've been a lot of pressure to succeed after looking at the sunbaes in the company. At that young age too, he had to make choreography, write and compose song.. I'm sad
4. [+176, -126]
A crazy world where you would wish happiness over a druggie criminal
> I'm seriously saying this as someone who isn't a B.I/iKON fan, but I've never seen a celebrity who was caught for doing drugs and who reflected, did voluntary work, and donated as much as him. It's not like he is planning to come back and it's just normal for his fans to wish him happiness.. And his drug test also turned out negative
5. [+171, -16]
B.I donated 300 million won in masks and he's been doing consistent voluntary work in child care + voluntary work for senior citizens + voluntary work for Lou Gehrig's patients ... And his name is even in the homepage of that voluntary work organization because he brought toys for the kids
These are the last updates of B.I while he was doing voluntary works:

This is actually really sweet, and shows in a way that people can change and reflect from past mistakes
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