FanPlus App is knowing of making voting contests for ads around the world, as you have to vote for you fav to reach certain amount of votes to be accepted.

After the voting ends, fans submit their posters, made by them, and fandom will be voting to their favorite one, by sharing it in Twitter, and the one that got the most likes will be the winner.
Seems easy and fair enough. But lately on the voting about BIGBANG 14th anniversary, fans around the world submit their designs, at the beginning the most liked one was a posted includes all 5 members of BIGBANG, as Seungri was with them all 13 years and helped in the legacy, so FanPlus announced they won't accept any poster with Seungri. So the designer deleted the poster and posted another one without any photos, the tweet went on winning the votes, at it reach over 5,000 likes.

But today FanPlus announced the winner, and it's a poster with 4 members that have only 500 likes. Which made fans angry about it, since it had way lower votes. And made them questioning the honesty of this app.

FanPlus is yet to make an announcement of why they didn't choose the winning poster, as their rules didn't say anything about must to include photos.
What do you think?
four member poster for 1 year anniversary. don't celebrate their 14 years anniversary if you're excluding seungri. clowns