An Indonesian fan wrote the novel "My Lecturer, My Husband” inspired by EXO's Lay Zhang which will now be made into an original Indonesian film.
The novel was originally a fanfiction with Lay Zhang as the main character. After it was licensed for publication, the story underwent some changes to its plot to turn it into an original story and also to ensure that it was in line with the Indonesian culture.
The movie has been announcing to star popular Indonesian actor Reza Rahadian as the male lead.
This news caught the attention of Chinese media outlets on Weibo and many fans of Lay Zhang were amazed by his ability to inspire fans especially fellow EXO-Ls to bring about creative works to the world!
Wow, that's the power of the King of China. This is amazing, even though I don't read fanfics lol, but love seeing EXO's influence and especially love seeing Lay getting some love.
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