On the 11 June episode of variety show Delicious Rendezvous, famous chef and entertainer Baek Jong Won revealed Jay Park's hidden good deeds.
In the episode, Baek Jong Won talked about how he filmed an advertisement with Jay Park. With that Baek Jong Won went on to say "What's really admirable about Jay Park is that, Jay Park went on to donate all his earnings from that CF he took with me. It's something we should really applaud him for.".

Baek Jong Won also adds that "The earnings from CF is not a small amount at all. He also kept saying since we donate too, he wants to donate himself too.".
Mad respect to this guy, he is really one of the best out there. He is also such a supportive CEO, he is always consistent discovering artists that are very talented and gives them the opportunity. Many of his artists see him as their savior, and he really deserves it.