GOT7's JB reveals guide version of Wanna One's "Light"
Posted by Yaki-Jones Saturday, May 16, 2020
GOT7's JB revealed a guide version of Wanna One's hit song "Light"
During the recent 2-hour long V Live broadcast, the talented artist shared various songs that he had made. One of the songs happened to be Wanna One's hit song "Light" and soon fans were mesmerized by the vibe and quality of the demo. It turns out he made this song with the composing crew for GOT7 but JYP Entertainment didn't approve.
Check it out below. Which version do you like better?
The fact that Wanna Ones best songs were written (partly) by other idols. Iconic
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fatedlovers214 ptsSaturday, May 16, 2020 7
Saturday, May 16, 2020
lol so jype rejected this song which is how it ended up going to wanna one.. and it did so well on the charts. jype always has the wrong choices when accepting/rejecting songs. anyways, I wish jb's composing parts were in the current wanna one version.. then he'd be getting so much recognition since the song did well but :///
The fact that Wanna Ones best songs were written (partly) by other idols. Iconic