According to Naver, YG entertainment once again postponed the long awaited Comeback of Kpop Girlgroup sensation Blackpink, as same as Big Bangs comeback after their military service, due to the Corona virus.
Previously Blackpink and Bigbang was expected to Comeback at the first Quarter of 2020 with Blinks and VIP's already starving for new music.
but reports say that YG has now pushed Blackpink's comeback, back to the middle of the second quarter, and Big Bang's return schedule was also delayed in the second half of the year.
which sadly lets Blackpink already be in their longst Hiatus ever of OVER a Year without any Comeback.
Also Concerts such as Akdong Musician (8 times), Winner (3 times), and Sechskies (3 times) scheduled for the first quarter were canceled, due to the sluggish earnings which probably will continue until the first half of this year.
the stock market predicted that Big Bang comeback will influence YG Entertainment's performance this year. At that time, Yuanta Securities predicted that the largest operating profit could be up to 30 billion won, assuming that Big Bang was conducting activities just after the military service, which is now not the case, causing yg to suffer massive losses.
Now Vips and Blinks have to be strong again waiting for their Idols to Finally come back with new music and hopefully a full Album.
These comebacks are undoubtedly being postponed because the company wants to be able to capitalize on live events in relation to them. On average, live events make up the bulk of revenue for most companies, so they would take a financial hit by simply releasing an album that might fly under the radar due to the lack of in-person promotion.
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