1. Spit it out
2. Spit it out (inst.)

Solar from MAMAMOO has just released her debut single 'Spit it out.' this album has precisely two tracks: the single and its instrumental. And with this single, each of the girls from MAMAMOO now have solo releases.
This song wastes no time. Lacking an intro, we immediately get Solar singing over a subdued drum track. Nothing wrong with that. I'm a fan of her vocal style, and this tune does not disappoint.

What's interesting is it seems to have a sort of Latin pop vibe to it, from the melody to the strummed guitars. By the time we get to the chorus, all that is forgotten. It's a fierce, loud chorus too, and that is something that I just adore. We go from almost seductive main verses to pure girl crush gold.
And I love the "fire fire fire" as a bridge.

The girls of MAMAMOO always seem to go to the next level with their music. Solar goes even further with a rather unconventional tune. The way this is packaged is brilliant, from the exciting choruses to the slick breaks, and the enchanting main verses. There's nothing about this song that's not cool.
The opening is a bit avant-garde. There's some kind of weird piping synth to start the piece, while Solar has bright red nails thrust in her face. It's a bit unsettling, and I can't reassure you it wasn't meant to be that way. What's odd is this has little to do with the rest of the video.
Yes, the red nails are still there, but they're more of a background piece then they were in the intro. And the leather and nails give way to Solar sitting on some kind of platform. The leather is gone, replaced with a little black dress.

And before long, she's dancing with her backup dancers in some kind of industrial building. There's scaffolding behind her. But even that set doesn't last long before we're thrust into rooms with somewhat lower ceilings and fluorescent lighting. Sometimes the lights flash rapidly.
And the sets continue to change, flashing back to rooms we've already seen, and a car is added, Solar sitting on the roof. Eventually, fire becomes a main component.
There seems to be little rhyme or reason to this video. But I can't say it wasn't compelling. It kept me watching from beginning to end, but I can't really tell you what was going on.
MV Relevance.......9
MV Production......9
MV Concept..........9
The song really suits her! She even co-composed it from what I read 🤯 A great solo debut in my book!
Also happy to see that the instrumental is included. That's kinda rare sometimes.