Netizens have discovered that rising star actresses Moon Ga Young and Shin Ye Eun are very close friends in real life!
Actresses Moon Ga Young and Shin Ye Eun are actually currently starring in two dramas which air during similar time slots on different broadcasting stations. Moon Ga Young plays the female lead role in MBC's Wed-Thurs drama series 'Find Me In Your Memory', while Shin Ye Eun plays the female lead of KBS2's 'Wed-Thurs drama series 'Welcome'. They may be "competitors" in a sense right now, but the two stars are actually very close alumni from Sungkyunkwan University!

Shin Ye Eun leaving a comment full of aegyo on Moon Ga Young's Instagram:
Shin Ye Eun: "Sunbaenim, I miss you~"
Moon Ga Young: "So cute... my daughter"
Shin Ye Eun: "Kyahh"

Moon Ga Young commenting like reliable unnie on Shin Ye Eun's Instagram:
Shin Ye Eun: "Driving is hard..."
Moon Ga Young: "Unnie will drive you."

Netizens who are fans of these two stars and their currently airing dramas commented, "They're both so pretty, in such a natural and elegant way~", "I love it, a girl who looks like a puppy and a girl who looks like a kitty being friends", "In the end, pretty people flock together...", "They're both so pretty and skinny and please stay friends for a long time TT", and more!
Are you a fan of these two rising star?
Why'd they only mention two actresses when there's three in that photo? The third actress also in a currently airing drama with Park Min Young and Seo Kang Joon.