According to media outlet 'XSportsNews' on March 14, Wonder Girls member Lim's non-celebrity boyfriend of 7-years is extreme taekwondo artist, Shin Min Chul.
Previously, it was confirmed that Lim would be appearing as a couple on MBC's newest romance variety program 'Real Love Story', alongside her non-celebrity boyfriend. While Lim has never gone public with her relationship for the past 7-years, those closest to her - including her fans - have already known that Lim and Shin Min Chul have been dating steady!
Extreme taekwon do artist Shin Min Chul is also known as the head director of a top extreme taekwondo team known as 'Mirme Taekwondo'. He's named as one of the top taekwondo demonstration artists in Korea, also active as a member of the national taekwondo demonstration team and having received various awards in martial arts demonstration competitions. He is know to be 6-years older than Lim.
Meanwhile, Lim joined Wonder Girls as an official member in 2010. Back in January of this year, her exclusive contract with JYP Entertainment came to an end, and recently she decided to sign on under RRR Entertainment - an independent label established by Wonder Girls's Yubin.
Viewer will be able to catch Lim and Shin Min Chul's full story on MBC's 'Real Love Story', some time in early April.
I had to look up what "extreme taekwondo" is.