On March 9th, Seungri enlisted for Mandatory Military Service.

Enlisting into the 6th Infantry Division in Cheorwon County, Gangwon Province, Seungri becomes the 5th and last member (or ex member) of BIGBANG to join the military.
And fans around the world send him their good wishes as they trended multiple hashtags worldwide in the last couple of days. On March 7th, fans trended #TakeCareSeungri as they send their live to him, the hashtag topped 23 countries from West to East, including United Kingdom, United States, France, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, Russia Peru, Argentina and many more with over 150K tweets that day, as well trending worldwide

Today (March 9th) fans again trending another hashtag #UntilWeMeetAgainSR and again it trended everywhere, as they showed Seungri support.

It wasn't only Twitter, as Chinese fans in Weibo send their good wishes for Seungri, as he trended in Weibo with his discharge news being read over 110 million times with many positive replies for him.

Take care Seungri.