MBC's upcoming Mon-Tues romance drama series 'Shall We Eat Dinner Together?' has released character still cuts of the jaw-droppingly gorgeous, A Pink's Na-Eun!
'Shall We Eat Dinner Together?' tells the story of men and women who have resorted to degenerate lifestyles due to not only the pains of past relationships, but also the growing presence of solitary culture among youths. 4 men and women with very different perspectives on romance become entangled in unique relationships.
In the drama, Na-Eun transforms as the sexy fitness trainer, Jin Noh Eul. Thanks to her gorgeous visuals and perfect figure, she's an extremely popular SNS star and the ex-girlfriend of Kim Hae Kyung (played by Song Seung Hun). Even though she dumped Kim Hae Kyung long ago, Noh Eul has now realized that there aren't many guys like Hae Kyung out there; she's ready to steal him back whatever it takes.
Are you looking forward to Na-Eun's sexy, dark, and greedy transformation in 'Shall We Eat Dinner Together?'? The drama is set to premiere some time in May, after currently airing series '365: Repeat the Year'.