A recently popular community forum post has netizens debating what's the ideal number of members is for idol groups.
The post brings up the question asking netizens what they believe is the perfect number of members for groups and the results show that many netizens have differing opinions!
Comments include:
"In order to be a fan of all the members, 5 is perfect. Not too much and not too little."
"Anything over 10 is too much."
"I think 7 is a good number. It also shows the members' chemistry."
"I like 6 member groups. That way they can pair off when playing games on variety shows."
'I think 5 members allow for equal part distribution."
"I like 4 members the best. Look at groups like BLACKPINK and MAMAMOO."
What is your opinion on the ideal number of members for idols groups?
I think 7 is an ideal number (6-8 is fine). That way, they have enough members to do some cool dance formations and "fill up a stage" on their own. And in the event a member has to miss a performance, someone can fill in without making the stage feel too empty. Line distribution is usually decent at that number. Plus there's a good amount of personalities without filling too overwhelming.
Not saying having less than 5 or more than 10 is bad. I think large and small groups have their own charm. When there's less members, it feels like you get to know them better since they have more screentime and lines split amongst them. But large groups are lively and always feels like a party wherever they go or do. And large groups come up with some of the coolest dance formations because they have so many members.
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