On February 18, V shared the below photo on BTS's official Twitter with the message, "Oh my, hello there. How much did you drink?" In the picture, j-hope does look red in the face as if he's had a few too many.
However, V added in hashtags, "He didn't even have one glass of alcohol. Happy Birthday, j-hope. This is Kim Tae Hyung."
In other news, BTS are dropping their 'Map of the Soul: 7' album on February 21.
LittleSukie13,510 ptsWednesday, February 19, 2020 1
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Only true friends will do this, roast you mercilessly and post embarrassing photos online. I am totally JHope with alcohol. 2 sips and I am tipsy, glass bottom-ed and I am drunk lmao.
21(+22 / -1)
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caribbeangal6,386 ptsWednesday, February 19, 2020 0
Only true friends will do this, roast you mercilessly and post embarrassing photos online. I am totally JHope with alcohol. 2 sips and I am tipsy, glass bottom-ed and I am drunk lmao.
1 more reply