#JennieDeservesBetter trends worldwide on Twitter as pictures and videos of BLACKPINK's Jennie dealing with online hate surface
Posted by sl278837 pts Tuesday, January 14, 2020
BLACKPINK's Jennie is trending worldwide after recent videos and pictures of her dealing with online hate have surfaced.
The popular star receives love from her fans but many noticed that she receives a lot of hate as well. Fans have recently been using the hashtag #JennieDeservesBetter to indicate that the general public should show more respect to the popular star, who clearly looks hurt by the hate she's getting online and in person. The group was seen reading comments on a live stream for Samsung Indonesia but Jennie was seen getting visibly upset when hate comments continued to pop up throughout the event. Fans also stated that the MC's were mostly ignoring Jennie during the live stream.
Aleyna_blackjack823 ptsTuesday, January 14, 2020 7
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
I‘m not even a blackpink fan. But please leave this girl alone. I’m sick and tired of seeing how she’s treated. She doesn’t deserve the hate she’s receiving. You don’t need to be a fan of blackpink to treat her with respect. You need to be a human.
144(+162 / -18)
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AegyoFree838 ptsTuesday, January 14, 2020 21
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
It's bullying, plain and simple. You don't have to like her, you don't have to agree that she's talented but what's being lobbed at her is the worst sort of vitriol. I've read all sorts of excuses as to why it's ok to bash her but no, if you think it's ok for you to spout horrible things about her then you're a bully. No ifs, not buts.
I‘m not even a blackpink fan. But please leave this girl alone. I’m sick and tired of seeing how she’s treated. She doesn’t deserve the hate she’s receiving. You don’t need to be a fan of blackpink to treat her with respect. You need to be a human.
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