EXO-L ACE is apparently planning a physical protest today.
EXO-L ACE (those who want Chen to leave EXO) and EXO-L (those who want Chen to stay in EXO) have been going head to head, and on the 17th, EXO-L ACE announced that they would be holding a physical protest. They also reported their protest to the police according to the laws.
EXO-L ACE will be at the SMTOWN Coex Artium from 1PM to 6PM later today on the 19th to protest Chen staying in the group. Their goal is to have 200 people present.
All the things going wrong in the world and they choose to spend energy protesting a human being falling in love and starting a family. Put the energy towards something logical and helpful. Sounding like lonely hags whose only enjoyment in life was imagining a relationship with Chen.
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