DinDin passionately refused not to go near a cannabis.
On the January 26th episode of '1 Night and 2 Days', rapper DinDin and the cast members paid a visit to a professional artisan who specializes in crafting traditional Korean garments.
Impressed after wearing one of the garments, DinDin shared that he could feel the thin and intricate handiwork of the sartor with his own hands.
As DinDin showed an interest in the materials, the artisan responded that the cloth, named 'Andong-po', is made by weaving organic materials grown in Andong, most exclusively the cannabis roots.
Startled, DinDin asked, "Cannabis? You mean that cannabis [for marijuana]? Is there a cannabis farm around here?"

Teasing the rapper, the craftsman said, "You should have come when we had cannabis," and told him that he is "in need of some men to work whenever it's cultivating season." But the rapper blatantly refused, expressing that he would "be arrested" - "I do not even want to go near the farm."
As the cast broke into a laughter, one of the members said, "Wow, the smell is really good."
Listening to his colleague, DinDin once again interjected, "No, no, our '1 Night and 2 Days' must live on! We need to distance ourselves from bad things!"
dindin is smart, he knows if he as much as associates with being near it, people will try to change the narrative so it looks like he endorses it. especially as a rapper, even the smallest association can get you a conviction from knets.
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