In the late night hours of December 21, IU took to her Instagram story to spend some time with fans.
She started out by asking, "How do you do the thing where you can accept questions?", before figuring out the steps and opening up asks for fans. One fan asked, "When are you ever going to rest?", and IU answered, "I won't."
Another fan sent in, "Will you come to Taiwan in 2020?", and IU curtly wrote back, "I will for sure." Finally, when a fan asked, "Why did you want to do a Q&A suddenly?", IU responded, "Because I couldn't sleep."
Meanwhile, IU will be greeting fans in Kuala Lumpur on December 21 with her solo concert, 'Love Poem'.

This woman................!
If my ultimate bias hadn't been set years ago, IU would be it.
As it is, she's my ultimate bias wrecker.