Netizens talked about Seventeen's unchangeable innocence throughout the years.
On December 1, an online community site up-voted a post by a fan who collected moments of Seventeen's playfulness with the title: "Seventeen, when will you guys grow up?" Although Seventeen is no longer a rookie, many moments highlighted the moments that show the boys' never-ending bickering, teasing, and playing around "like little children".
Despite their average age being 23 this year, these members don't seem to mind retaining their teenage charm. Netizens shared in the comments the amount of fun they provide as well as their down-to-earth humor.
Check out some of the best moments captured below!
"Nonstop bickering"

"why aren't they using their hands..."

"leader sends his children up stage then casually bows to the camera by himself"

"ssam-bap (food type) talk suddenly turning into a samba dance"

"it's always more fun to keep on going when they tell you to stop"

"(subtitle reads) 'Key kids, we're not on a field trip so come here'"

"never let go of the opportunity to imitate"

"they were even worse when they were actual children tho, look"

Any other idols or moments that you know of idols 'forever living as children'?

I love how funny and cute they are. I love how after all these years they are still a big basket of puppies
one day i felt sad because i thought "seventeen have each other and what do i have?" Then i realized i have seventeen too. For years they've been making me happy and they always will