Dispatch has offered proof that Kang Daniel deservedly won and 'The Show' is innocent of chart manipulation.
'The Show' was recently enveloped in scandal after netizens accused the program of manipulating charts to allow Kang Daniel to win over AOA.

On December 4th, Dispatch requested the data from the last week of November from Gaon charts, which was the data used to decide the winner of 'The Show'. After investigation, Dispatch revealed that there was no manipulation and the data indicated that Kang Daniel deserved first place. According to the data from Gaon, Kang Daniel's score for song sales was four times that of AOA's.

The popular star has also made a series of concerning posts in his fan cafe before the announcement from Konnect Entertainment that he would be on hiatus. Some believe that Kang Daniel's outburst is a direct result of the malicious comments made regarding his recent win.
What do you think?
Daniel's fancafe messages were about years of hate not just this issue.
I hope everyone who hated on him over this feel ashamed of themselves now.
Congratulations again Daniel ^^ For even more wins in the future!!
And I can't believe I am saying this but thank you Dispatch..
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