Rapper DinDin has received a pair of G-Dragon's limited edition Nike shoes from none other than Dara!
He made a post on his personal Instagram thanking her for getting him a pair. The caption reads as follows:
"Dara nuna suddenly asked my shoe size and gave me Jiyong hyung's shoes saying that you need to wear these more than anyone. It's crazy. Dara is an angel without wings. This was the most emotional surprise I had this year. Even my biological sister doesn't do this for me. I'm sure Dara nuna is an angel. I love you nuna. Sandara Park is the best. I can't focus."
It seems like DinDin had wanted the highly sought-after shoes but had been unable to cop a pair before Dara came to his rescue! G-Dragon's shoes are selling for up to $11,000 on the secondary market. Congratulations DinDin!
Dara is awesome. I also love that little bit of shade he threw at his sis lol.