CLC's Sorn has posted an official apology to her fans and the public, after stirring up controversy earlier through her SNS photo. In the photo, one of her friends is seen wearing a racist caricature mask, angering many fans and netizens.
She said,
"Hey everyone, in light of recent events, I sincerely apologize for my actions. Specifically, I am sorry for being cultually insensitive and in no way was I trying to intentionally offend anyone. In hindsight, I am realizing how this photo could have offended others. I am genuinely sorry, and will reflect upon my mistakes. I am not asking for anyone's forgiveness but I am writing this message to say that I know how much people are hurt by the picture I posted last night. I understand people are allowed to feel and I am in no way expecting the people I offended to forgive me. Sorry guys and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again in the future. Sorry for disappointing you Cheshire."
She's sorry because of the backlash she received.
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