Congrats to TXT! The amount of hate this article is getting is not only unnatural, but immature. TXT works hard, I'm not a fan, but people need to acknowledge that. Just because they are from the same company as BTS doesn't give you a reason to hate on them. They work hard and probably harder than all you haters sitting on your butts just hating them all day. They haven't even debuted for that long, give them some space to breathe!!! And lamoo to Taehyungie just jumping out of his seat in happiness, that is something you can not fake. This should be like the greatest meme ever!
21(+22 / -1)
frecklesminhee29 ptsSunday, December 1, 2019 7
Sunday, December 1, 2019
i’m not an army or a hardcore moa, but why are people being so critical of txt?????? in my unbiased opinion, they are more than worthy of the praise and awards they’re receiving, and i find it sad that people are trying to bring them down while simultaneously comparing them to bts. yeah they’re both under bighit, but that’s doesn’t mean that txt have to be directly linked to bts ???? i just . can’t understand the unnecessary hatred towards them. even if they weren’t related to bighit at all, i still think their success is warranted
Congrats to TXT! The amount of hate this article is getting is not only unnatural, but immature. TXT works hard, I'm not a fan, but people need to acknowledge that. Just because they are from the same company as BTS doesn't give you a reason to hate on them. They work hard and probably harder than all you haters sitting on your butts just hating them all day. They haven't even debuted for that long, give them some space to breathe!!! And lamoo to Taehyungie just jumping out of his seat in happiness, that is something you can not fake. This should be like the greatest meme ever!