
ATONE, singer who made headlines after rescuing woman from sexual assault, says it's something everyone can do

Posted by jennywill Sunday, December 1, 2019

ATONE, who made headlines after rescuing a woman from sexual assault, stayed humble.

He had gotten a lot of attention over the weekend, and he took to his Instagram to write, "Hello, this is ATONE. I'm not sure what to say because I just did something that anyone else would have done in my situation, but I'm getting so much interest and praise. It's making me a little embarrassed. I want to thank the people of the Seohyun Church, who helped me while the police arrived, as well as everyone else that helped. I am truly disappointed that this kind of crime occurred, and I can only hope that the victim does not get hurt anymore. I am a plain man in my early 30s. I didn't learn any kind of sports such as judo, and I'm not particularly big. My stamina is probably also below average. Because of this, I know that what I did was something anyone else could have done. I will pass off the title of 'hero' to everyone that helped. I believe the only way to give back to all this praise is to come back with good music. I won't get greedy, and I'll make sincere music. I did do my best, but I'm sorry to the victim that I couldn't help faster, and I pray that she can go back to her everyday activities soon. I hope justice is served to the attacker."

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안녕하십니까? 에이톤입니다. 당연히 해야할 일 을 했을 뿐이고 누구라도 그렇게 했을 일에 과분한 말씀과 관심을 주셔서 몸 둘 바를 모르고 있습니다. 그저 많이 수줍고 쑥스러울 따름입니다. 함께 현장에서 경찰에게 인계하기 전까지 도움주셨던 서현교회 교인분들 외 모든 시민분들께 감사하다는 말씀을 드리며, 이런 성범죄가 일어나게 된 것에 대해 매우 큰 유감을 표하고, 피해 여성분에게 2차 피해가 일어나지 않기를 부디 바랄뿐입니다. 저는 평범한 30대 초반의 청년입니다. 유도나 어떠한 운동을 배운적도 체격이 좋은 편도 아니며 체력 또한 평균 이하 일지도 모르겠습니다. 그렇기에 제가 했던 일은, 누구나 할수있는 일이라는 것을 누구보다 잘 알고있습니다. ‘의인’이라는 호칭은 저 이외에 해당 사건 처리에 도움을 주셨던 모든분들께 정중히 돌려 드리겠습니다. 제 것이 아닌 응원과 칭찬에 보답하는 방법은 제가 앞으로 더 좋은 음악과 노래를 들려 드리는 것이라 생각하며 욕심내지 않고 묵묵하게 진심을 다해 좋은 음악 만들어 전해 드리 도록 하겠습니다. 아무쪼록 최선을 다했으나 더 빨리 도움주지 못해 피해자분께 미안함을 가지며, 어서 빨리 안녕한 상태로 행복한 일상에 복귀하시기를 진심으로 기도하겠습니다. 피의자에게는 정의로운 판결이 내려지기를 바랍니다.

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seventeenaoty867 pts Monday, December 2, 2019 0
Monday, December 2, 2019

Atone, a lot of men don't have guts. They are afraid they''ll get hurt and also they don't want to be bothered so they would convince themselves its not their problem. I've been on dates where my actual date let another man harass me right in front of him. They just stepped back and watched me handle it myself. Men aren't chivalrous or protective of women anymore. So its not just something any man would do. Well, maybe its true that any many COULD, but sadly not many men WOULD. I think the praise you're receiving is well deserved.

15 (+22 / -7)
flambergh15 pts Monday, December 2, 2019 0
Monday, December 2, 2019

I always remember when im in college, i have guy friends who always standing around us (girls) everytime we're in crowded place. Walk us to our place after the sun set, no matter if its still early they still gonna do that. Even when i play street basket with guys from outside my campus, they still play fairly. No unnecessary move because we're girls. I know many guys who did a lot of things for our comfort and safety. So i always think girls who only know men is jerk, i feel so sorry for them.

11 (+11 / -0)


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