V Heartbeat released an official statement regarding the cancellation of X1 performing at their event, scheduled for November 16.
It seems that they were preparing to have X1 perform, and X1 was also preparing and ready to perform. However, CJ ENM seems to have pulled the group from attending with little notice.
What are your thoughts on this?
You can read the full statement below:
"Hello. This is the production team of the V Live Awards V HEARTBEAT.
V LIVE prepared the first V Live Awards V HEARTBEAT as a festival for everyone to enjoy together to give back for the activities of stars and fans throughout the year.
Until today (November 15), one day before the event, we have been preparing with X1 included in the lineup, but CJ ENM notified us today of the plan for X1 to not participate.
We put in our full effort to fulfill the promise with fans, but the artist’s side inevitably expressed the plan to not participate. It is very unfortunate, and we feel apologetic that we are unable to keep the promise with fans who have waited for V HEARTBEAT for a long time due to a sudden situation. For fans who would like to be refunded for the event [tickets], we will release a separate notice as soon as possible after discussing the plan.
Although X1 is unable to appear due to the intent of the artist’s side, we ask for the unchanging interest of fans as great artists have prepared wonderful performances. We will also prepare with all of our efforts in order to showcase great performances.
Thank you."
(source: original Naver article)
A part of me wonders if some of the members and their companies aren’t keen on the idea of them promoting. This is only a theory of course, but let’s say you knew for a fact that your trainee had no help or influence from your company whatsoever in terms of the vote rigging. I’d be anxious to have them share further stages with others who may be guilty by association to their company, especially since we’re talking about the futures of these young people. Some of them may want to wait until the truth comes out so people can know that they had no involvement in that process, especially since no final contracts have been signed at. Again, this just sucks for everyone involved and no matter the outcome, there will be losses both fair and unfair on all sides.