IU's label called cops on a fan who live-streamed audio of IU's tour concert 'LOVE, POEM' on November 2. IU held the first concert of her tour on November 2 at Women's University Universiade Gymnasium in Kwangju.
During the concert, the securities caught a fan who was live-streaming during the concert. He was immediately removed from the arena and was transported to the nearest police station. Later on the community website, the said fan posted that he had to write a statement as the insiders sued him.
Netizens are split on the response of the label. Some comments say he deserved it while others say this was too draconian.
What do you think?

But the thing is, people who stream like that usually do it - not for people that don't want to spend money on the artist, but for people on the other side of the planet that really can't come to those events.
And to be fair, people who listen to crappy live streams without even images are true dedicated fans! They often buy merch, cds and stream the MV. They just can't afford the 1500$ plane tickets / hotel / days off.
Suing a fan like this is a bit much IMO...
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