Hyeri talked about being compared to Suzy and Seolhyun as idol-turned-actors.
At an interview on November 21, the Girl's Day member opened up about how she feels about her acting career being compared to her fellow idol-turned-actors, former miss A member and Suzy and AOA's Seolhyun. Hyeri expressed, "Rather than a competition or rivalry, I cheer them on because I can feel how hard everyone is working."
She continued, "We're acting around the same time, and I think we've always been talked about together. Competition is embarrassing, and I think it becomes an issue. I'm happy that my name is even among them. I think I'd be disappointed if my name wasn't brought up. I'd think to myself, 'I'm starring in a drama too right now.' That's why I try to think of it in a positive light."
Hyeri starred in the recently wrapped up tvN drama 'Miss Lee'.

hyeri is actually better than those two though..
hyeri > suzy > seolhyun
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