Goo Hye Sun reflected on her marriage and ongoing divorce from Ahn Jae Hyun with 'W Donga' magazine.
On November 26, 'W Donga' released an interview with the actress, who opened up about the end of her marriage and her recent public divorce battle. Goo Hye Sun discussed her parents' reaction to the divorce news, saying, "My parents said that they thought they would die after the news made headlines. I'm not the type to get angry usually, but I became very aggressive. I was not acting like myself, so my family was shocked and worried. I was in the hospital for a month and received therapy, and my heart is calmer now."
She continued, "My mom found her life as an individual difficult to live after marriage, so she hoped that I could work, go on vacation, and live freely. When I introduced that person to her, she told me that in life love could grow cold and there would be a lot of hard times, so it would be good to give the relationship more time. Then this happened, and it was my choice in the end. I started to think, 'What did I do wrong? Since when did I start doing things wrong?"
As for her marriage with Ahn Jae Hyun, Goo Hye Sun expressed, "There weren't that many bad days. We didn't have reasons to fight, and we didn't do things the other person disliked that much. My husband started acting differently after he was cast as the lead of a drama. He said he had to exercise, so he left home early in the morning and came back home late drunk. Even when he moved to an officetel alone in June and didn't contact me for a month, I thought that he just wanted to focus on practicing his acting. However, after a month, he said he wanted to live free and said we should divorce."
She also talked about how she felt when he first told her he wanted a divorce, saying, "I didn't really do a lot of work after getting married. My husband got more work, and someone had to do the housework. While my husband was progressing, I was going backwards, so I felt like I was being thrown away. When we first met, I was the sunbae, and he respected me. Housework is really important, and I felt that he was disregarding me and leaving me behind."
Goo Hye Sun commented on her controversial social media posts about Ahn Jae Hyun as well. She said, "I don't think I was in my right mind. It's been 15 years since I debuted, and I've never gotten angry because of malicious comments before. I thought that I would be the one who's losing if I took them seriously, so I just laughed it off. However, that mindset fell to pieces this time around. For most things, I can laugh it off, but how can I just cheerfully gloss over divorce. I wasn't being broken up with by someone I was dating, I was thrown away by family. I was hurt, so I screamed. That person and I are part of the same agency, and the agency took his side unilaterally, so I didn't have another way to express my side."
She concluded on public opinion, "There are misunderstandings and things I feel are unfair, but that's the way it is. Someday, everything will come to light. I think that person probably thinks some things have been unfair too... We have to divorce. That person won't ever see me again. More than anything, I can't accept that he went to the company to discuss our personal life."
What do you think of Goo Hye Sun's interview?
She didn't "scream" she attacked, involved other people with accusations and wouldn't stop. Also, calling someone you loved so much "that person" means she didn't get over it like she says (ofcourse she didn't, it's too soon, but why tell lies). All that talk and official statements about leaving entertainment and limelight yet she constantly gets involved. Ok, she screamed - attention.
All in all good luck to her, but first she should stop lying to herself and others
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