Jungkook breaks yet another record as the first Male idol in a group to achieve the whopping number of 100M streams on Spotify , that too with an unpromoted bside! Euphoria is currently the third most streamed song by a Korean soloist on Spotify and the longest charting song by male idol on BB World digital song sales. Its achieved critical acclaim and is a favourite among celebs. It was also played as a soundtrack in HBO's Euphoria finale and has over 1M unique listeners on the South Korean streaming platform Genie. Euphoria is currently the most successful bts song chart wise. #GoldenEuphoria100m trends worldwide at no 5 and two tags congratulating Jungkook trend at no 2 and 4 in Korea.
Congratulations to Jungkook on his chart topping solo, fans and gp alike are eagerly looking forward to his future solo releases.

Achiever of firsts! Yes Jungkook is a record breaker