The group's Twitter account made the announcement which reads as follows:
This is MyDoll entertainment. We'd like to first apologize to fans for delivering unfortunate news.
Member Heesun has withdrawn from Pink Fantasy due to depression and anxiety and is currently spending time with her family to recover. She has also made postings using her personal SNS accounts that could give Pink Fantasy a bad image, which resulted in internal discussions. Unfortunately, Heesun decided to withdraw and self reflect as being an idol was too difficult for her.
We give our sincerest apologies to fans who love Pink Fantasy. The other members will be continuing on with their promotions and we ask that fans do not make assumptions that make promotions harder for them. We will support the members so that they will not be affected as well.
We apologize again and promise to bring a show a better Pink Fantasy in the future."
Wait what? "She has also made postings using her personal SNS accounts that could give Pink Fantasy a bad image, which resulted in internal discussions. " That sounds fishy as fuck. If she's withdrawing because she's unwell why the need to even mention that? This seems super shady.
27(+30 / -3)
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k_kid19,353 ptsFriday, October 18, 2019 0
Friday, October 18, 2019
So, essentially what I'm getting here is that she messed up and now she left on the basis of anxiety and depression.
Wait what? "She has also made postings using her personal SNS accounts that could give Pink Fantasy a bad image, which resulted in internal discussions. " That sounds fishy as fuck. If she's withdrawing because she's unwell why the need to even mention that? This seems super shady.
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